Saturday, July 6, 2019

Ribeye cap steaks

These are going to spoil us to any other kind of steak.

The steaks were cooked on the grill to mark them then finished in the oven to 125º
The potato pancakes were Beth's recipe with the addition of an egg yolk. I used small new potatoes which was enough to make 4 small pancakes and used less of the rest of the ingredients. 

Potato pancakes from Beth

4 gold potatoes, shredded and soaked in a bowl of salty water or frozen store-bought hash browns
2 fine chopped green onions or your favorite herbs
fresh grated nutmeg 
salt and pepper to taste.  remember the water was salted
1 C. plain bread crumbs

Drain shredded potatoes, squeeze with paper towels if necessary
Combine all the ingredients
heat nonstick skillet with 1/2 inch oil
carefully spoon potato batter in the pan
cook about 5 minutes or until ti turns brown, flip over, cook another 5 minutes.

Carrots were cooked with water until soft but not mushy then seasoned with salt, pepper and a little honey.

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