Saturday, October 5, 2024

Turkey casserole


I have some left-over turkey that needed to get used up soon so I made a casserole. I didn't use a recipe, I just made a roux with butter, flour , garlic, nutmeg, salt and pepper and oregano along with some milk and chicken stock. I melted in some Guyer cheese.  Then I cooked until soft some onions, carrots, celery, mushrooms, & peas. in butter and oil until soft.  I didn't measure, I just added as much as I thought would be enough. I topped it with biscuit dough rolled into small balls and painted the top with butter  I baked it until the biscuit dough was done and the casserole was heated through, about 35 minutes at 350º I planned to add some mushrooms but forgot to put them on my shopping list.

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