Sunday, June 23, 2024

A trip to the farmers market led to this meal

A very pleasant summer meal: Corn on the cob, fried okra, tomato salad and a grilled steak.

I  also got some delicious peaches, some of which got ate last night. 

Okra is soaked in water, cut into bite size pieces, soaked in buttermilk then strained to drain. Tossed then in flour, corn meal, salt and pepper and strained of excess again.  Enough oil/butter is melted to come part way up the okra and then fried, turning and watching closely until browned and crisp.

Tomato salad is diced tomatoes with onion and basil and tossed in vinegar and oil with salt and pepper and a very small amount of sugar.

Corn is cooked with husk on in 350º oven for 30 minutes.  When cool enough to handle the husks and silks easily peel back and give you a handle.

Steaks were seasoned with pepper and garlic salt and grilled until done to taste.

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