Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Brie and Brioche

I read Jaques Pepin's La Technique when it came out in paperback, probably in the early 1980s.  I didn't get La Methode when it came out. I thought it would be just sort of an afterthought but I recently did get a used copy and was really surprised at how much information is in it.  There are a lot of things I want to try.  For example he reheats a fully cooked ham in low temperature hot water and doing it sous vide would be perfect way to go. This method makes a broiche dough and encases a brie cheese inside and bakes it. Charlie tells me our back yard neighbor has done something similar except she adds raspberry preserves inside with the cheese.  The other bread is what was left over baked into just a regular loaf.  I have made brioche before but this one a little differean. It had all the liquid being eggs, milk and lot of melted butter.

Ingredients for the Biroche

1 package dry yeast
1/2 C. lukewarm milk
1/2 tsp. sugar
3 C. flour
4 large eggs + 1 egg yolk

+ 1 egg and 1 egg yolk for the wash.

I added a half teaspoon of salt. Next time I think I will use a little more sugar too.  I used rapid rise yeast.

I ut the eggs, milk and melted butter in the bowl of a stand mixer when it was tepid temperature. I added  the flour a little at a time, adding the yeast along with the second flour addition.  When the dough stopped sticking to the bowl, I let it knead for a few more minutes, then greased a bowl and put the dough in and covered it for about an hour..

Roll out enough of the dough to 1/4th inch thick and 1/2 inch larger than the brie and place the dough on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Place the brie on that and tuck the dough up around the cheese. Roll out enough dough to cover all the of the brie and brush it with the egg wash. Place it egg wash side down  and seal it all around. Egg wash the top and apply a decoration with pie dough or more brioche. Preheat oven to 350 and let the brioche set for 20 minutes before baking. Bake @ 350º for 25-30 minutes.  Let set out for a couple hours before cutting in order to let the melted cheese set.

The second round in the picture is leftover dough baked without any cheese inside


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