Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Beef Bulgogi

I made beef bulgogi today.  It was the same recipe I made a couple weeks ago. Charlie said it was better than the last time. I said I used rice wine this time instead of mirin, if that makes much difference.  I found out I was out of mirin just as I needed it so I ran to the closest store and they didn't have it. Probably the only store in Kansas City that didn't have it. I was about to drive to another grocery when I realized there was a liquor store across the street and they must have sake and they did.  He said it was the best he ever had except for once at a restaurant in Seattle.  He said I probably shouldn't make it when his mom comes to visit.  😋

Beef Bulgogi,  recipe used for Charlies birthday 2024

from "Discovering Korean Cuisine recipes from the Best Korean Restaurants in Los Angeles"

2 servings

1 1/2 lbs. prime rib, thinly sliced

2 T. soy sauce

1/4 C. sugar

1 T. minced garlic

2 tsp.sesame oil

2 tsp. Mirin

2 tsp. water

Mix all ingredients, Add meat to make sure it’s evenly coated. I marinated it about 8 hours and grilled over charcoal.


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